5/11/2018 6:00:00 PM | Community

Impact Grants: Strengthening Future Generations Through Education and Family Financial Health

At Umpqua Bank, we understand that economic prosperity starts with stability, education, and access to resources, both for communities and for families. That’s why the Umpqua Bank Charitable Foundation is dedicated to creating economic opportunities for our community, through targeted investments in organizations that focus on education and wellbeing for children and young adults.

To strengthen the impact of our ongoing charitable efforts, Umpqua Bank makes large, transformative multi-year investments in organizations that address the systemic obstacles to success faced by kids, from early childhood through young adulthood. Starting May 14, 2018, we’re seeking applicants for our next round of these substantial Impact Grants.

In seeking new non-profit partners, we’ve identified three key areas of impact. These issues are critical to breaking the cycle of intergenerational poverty, and building stronger, more prosperous communities for the next generation. Our three impact priorities are:

  • Housing stabilization for families with children: Access to affordable housing is a challenge for many families in the areas we serve. Stable, safe housing is a key factor in a child’s success later in life.

  • Family financial health: Financial education for families can help break cycles of poverty, providing parents and children the tools to build a better future.

  • Career and college readiness: Teens and young adults from all backgrounds need access to the training and resources that will prepare them for college and a career in tomorrow’s dynamic economy.

Potential partners for our next round of Impact Grants are non-profit organizations in the states we serve, with a focus on one or more of these three priority areas. We’re looking for partners that offer direct services to communities, and that track the progress of their participants over time in order to measure their success. Candidate organizations should offer innovative, forward-thinking programming, that is ready to scale for growth. The ideal partners are organizations that are poised to grow, where a significant long-term investment will provide the push they need to expand and maximize their impact.

We are accepting applications for Impact Grant partnerships until June 29th, 2018. Our Impact Grant Guidelines offer a complete list of requirements for partner organizations. We encourage any organization that meets these criteria, that provides services around our three priority areas, and that’s within our service areas in California, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, or Washington, to apply.

Our previous and current Impact Grant partners include:

The Family Development Center | Roseburg, Oregon: The Umpqua Bank Charitable Foundation has provided a total of $350,000 to the Family Development Center, to expand their services across Douglas County. Through this partnership, FDC can provide intensive services to more at-risk children, to ensure they arrive at school with the tools they need to learn.

S.M.A.R.T. (Start Making A Reader Today) | Roseburg, Oregon: S.M.A.R.T. recognizes that children who are proficient readers by the end of third grade are four times more likely to graduate from high school. With an Impact Grant of $85,000 from Umpqua Bank, S.M.A.R.T. has expanded its services for children at this critical early stage, into nine new schools and Head Start sites in Douglas County.

Second Harvest | Spokane, Washington: Research shows that hungry children face distinct barriers to learning and achievement in school. Through a $300,000 Impact Grant, Second Harvest has launched a new program to ensure food security at three low-income elementary schools in Spokane County.

Excelerate Success | Spokane, Washington: Umpqua Bank has provided $120,000 towards the Ready for Kindergarten program, which brings together existing resources and organizations to increase kindergarten readiness in Spokane County. Through this partnership, Excelerate Success has aligned Kindergarten Registration throughout the county.

Baker School District | Baker City, Oregon: A $90,000 Impact Grant is providing funds to pilot the Baker School District’s Summer Academy, an enrichment program for K-5students who need extra help to achieve their grade level academic benchmarks.

Latino Network | Portland, Oregon: The Latino Network’s Juntos Aprendemos program provides kindergarten readiness resources for parents and children in Spanish-speaking families. Through an Impact Grant of $135,000 from Umpqua Bank, Juntos Aprendemos is expanding into more schools in the Portland area.

Salem-Keizer Education Foundation | Salem, Oregon: With an Impact Grant of $150,000, the Salem-Keizer Education Foundation is expanding volunteer recruitment and retention for their innovative Path to Post-Graduation Success program.

United Way of the Wine Country | Santa Rosa, California: A $125,000 Impact Grant from Umpqua Bank is helping UWWC expand Schools of Hope, an early-grade reading initiative in Lake and Mendocino Counties, to help young children build critical early reading skills.

To learn more about how Umpqua Bank is investing in the communities we serve, read about S.M.A.R.T. in the Roseburg area, one of our existing Impact Grant partners. The deadline to apply for this round of Impact Grants is June 29th, 2018, by 5pm PST. To see a complete list of application requirements, read our Impact Grant Guidelines. If your organization meets these requirements, and is seeking a partner for their next stage of growth, you can apply in 2019.