2/10/2018 8:00:00 AM | Money Matters

Improve Your Financial Fitness in 2018 and Beyond

The new year is a time when we all think about being healthier. It's no different when it comes to finances and money. Here are four simple ways to improve your financial fitness for 2018 that you can accomplish without breaking a sweat. You can find all the details below.

Protect your credit: The Equifax data breach affected 145 million Americans, but surveys show that few of us did anything new to protect ourselves. In as quick as 30 minutes you can freeze your credit, strengthen your passwords and set up banking alerts to help protect your personal information and finances. Learn more.

Prepare for a disaster: 2017 was a record year of fires, floods and hurricanes. Make sure you have the right documents in the right places when building an emergency preparedness kit. Learn more.

Be wise with a windfall: Spend or save? Splurge or pay down debt? Here's what to think about if you receive a bonus at work, a tax refund or your kids get Holiday gift money. Learn more.

Give your finances a tune-up: Some of the easiest steps to financial health are also the easiest to put off. Use the new year as motivation and set yourself up for financial health all year long, from creating a rainy day fund to estimating in advance what you might owe in taxes so you aren't caught by surprise. Learn more.

Here's to a financially fit 2018 and beyond!